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Basic Cleaning
Residential, Commercial and Construction Site Cleaning
by Demanding Clean
There are no substitution for bedrooms.
One Master Bedroom size limit 12x14
2nd / 3rd Bedroom size limit 8x10
Large/XL Kitchen Nooks/ Breakfast areas are consider as one Family Room.
No Inside of Stove / Refrigerator No Glass/Greasy Kitchen Cabinets No Floor Waxing
Attention Perspective Clients
If your home requires any of the above services, this would be consider a deep cleaning. Contact us for a price quote. Prices are quoted based on the size of your home and labor hours
1000 sqft and under
Is a surface clean, Sweep Floors, Vacuum, Wash dishes, Clean toilets, Shower/Tub(no mildew or build up soap scum), Wipe Down counters and Make up beds.
We do not pick up debris or clothing, the bedrooms must be clear of clothing, dishes or large amounts of trash. THIS IS A DEEP CLEANING.